Thursday, 26 May 2011


So I've decided to maybe give this blog thing a try.  Why not?  So many things on my mind... some off beat and witty, some deep and philosophical, and some opinionated and quite possibly unpopular.  But this is me.  I am at times the clichéd lone wolf, and at other times I am the devoted pack member.  I am certain my blog will have no flow at all, because that's not the way my mind works.  Everything you see here will most likely be infrequent and random.  I hope you enjoy the ride!  So I invite you to come curl up with me into a furry ball of  companionship and enjoy a moment with me. 

The beauty of the trees, the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass speaks to me.
The summit of the mountain, the thunder of the sky,
The rhythm of the sea, speaks to me.
The faintness of the stars, the freshness of the morning,
the dewdrop on the flower, speaks to me.
The strength of the fire, the taste of salmon, the trail of the sun,
and the life that never goes away, they speak to me
And my heart soars.
- Chief Dan George


  1. Welcome to blogland! I look forward to reading many posts by you.

  2. You may just get your wish! Apparently I have more to say than I thought I did! lol
